Displaying posts filed under snippets
Apr 28, 2016

Developing a simple ExpressionEngine plugin to make our build process easier

Requirements for this example:

A server running ExpressionEngine 2.x.x (because that’s what I have running on my local development environment, specifically v2.7.2)


Let’s name and create our plugin folder, placing it in the third_party directory, and create within it a new file for our plugin. Take note of the naming convention:

Our JSON Parse addon folder in the third_party directory

What we’ll be coding

In this example we’ll create a plugin that reads from a json file and outputs the values we want, in this case for the purpose of making our build process easier by outputting the file names of our revved assets to our head and footer template files.

Our assets.json file, which we’ll place in our assets/ directory, might look something like this:

  “app.css”: “app-ab76d80c4b.css”,
  “app.js”: “app-291483d804.js”

How you generate this file is up to you. I suggest gulp-rev

Plugin info

We’ll want to begin by filling in the $plugin_info array with appropriate values. Open the pi.json_parse.php file that we created earlier and paste in the following:

if ( ! defined(‘BASEPATH’)) exit(‘No direct script access allowed’);</p>

 * JSON Parse
$plugin_info = array(
  ‘pi_name’     =&gt; ‘JSON Parse’,
  ‘pi_version’    =&gt; ‘1.0.0’,
  ‘pi_author’     =&gt; ‘Dawid Pawelec’,
  ‘pi_author_url’   =&gt; ‘http://pawelecweb.com/’,
  ‘pi_description’  =&gt; ‘Parses a JSON file from the file system’,
  ‘pi_usage’      =&gt; Json_parse::usage()


You’ll notice we’re referencing a class Json_parse and function usage(). This is required to display the usage info in the plugin page within ExpressionEngine’s control panel. Let’s add this class and function now.

Plugin class

if ( ! defined(‘BASEPATH’)) exit(‘No direct script access allowed’);</p>

 * JSON Parse
$plugin_info = array(
  ‘pi_name’     =&gt; ‘JSON Parse’,
  ‘pi_version’    =&gt; ‘1.0.0’,
  ‘pi_author’     =&gt; ‘Dawid Pawelec’,
  ‘pi_author_url’   =&gt; ‘http://pawelecweb.com/’,
  ‘pi_description’  =&gt; ‘Parses a JSON file from the file system’,
  ‘pi_usage’      =&gt; Json_parse::usage()

 * Returns object property values
 * within the tag pair.
 * @package Json_parse
class Json_parse {</p>

   * ExpressionEngine plugins require this for displaying
   * usage in the control panel
   * @access public
   * @return string
    public function usage()

<pre><code>{exp:json_parse json="path/to/assets.json"}
&lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="{site_url}css/{app.css}"&gt;

    $buffer = ob_get_contents();
    return $buffer;


/* End of file pi.json_parse.php */
/* Location: ./system/expressionengine/third_party/json_parse/pi.json_parse.php */


At this point we have a basic skeleton of a plugin, and if we look in the control panel we’ll see that we indeed have a plugin installed named JSON Parse that however so far doesn’t do anything. Let’s add our main functionality to our class:

if ( ! defined(‘BASEPATH’)) exit(‘No direct script access allowed’);</p>

 * JSON Parse
$plugin_info = array(
  ‘pi_name’     =&gt; ‘JSON Parse’,
  ‘pi_version’    =&gt; ‘1.0.0’,
  ‘pi_author’     =&gt; ‘Dawid Pawelec’,
  ‘pi_author_url’   =&gt; ‘http://pawelecweb.com/’,
  ‘pi_description’  =&gt; ‘Parses a JSON file from the file system’,
  ‘pi_usage’      =&gt; Json_parse::usage()

 * Returns object property values
 * within the tag pair.
 * @package Json_parse
class Json_parse {
  public function Json_parse()
    $this-&gt;EE =&amp; get_instance();
    $json = $this-&gt;_check_file($this-&gt;EE-&gt;TMPL-&gt;fetch_param(‘json’));</p>

<pre><code>if ($json)
  $json_decoded = json_decode(file_get_contents($json));
  $vars = array((array) $json_decoded);
  $this-&gt;return_data = $this-&gt;EE-&gt;TMPL-&gt;parse_variables($this-&gt;EE-&gt;TMPL-&gt;tagdata, $vars);


   * Check File
   * Check for file
   * @access public
   * @param string
   * @return  mixed - string if file exists, FALSE if not
  function _check_file($url)

<pre><code>if ( ! file_exists($url) )
  return FALSE;

return $url;   }

   * ExpressionEngine plugins require this for displaying
   * usage in the control panel
   * @access public
   * @return string
    public function usage()

<pre><code>{exp:json_parse json="path/to/assets.json"}
&lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="{site_url}css/{app.css}"&gt;

    $buffer = ob_get_contents();
    return $buffer;


/* End of file pi.json_parse.php */
/* Location: ./system/expressionengine/third_party/json_parse/pi.json_parse.php */

And that’s it. We can now use our new template tag pair {exp:json_parse}{/exp:json_parse} in our template files.

In a subsequent post I will upgrade this plugin for use within the latest version of EE.

Mar 31, 2016

Use Modernizr.mq to detect touch devices

For detecting touch operated devices use Modernizr.mq instead of Modernizr.touchevents, at least when it comes to non-essential progressive enhancements. Why? It’s safe to assume users with browser viewport widths lower than 1025px (for example) are either using touch screens or have greater concerns than fancy effects, like getting a website that’s at least usable (imagine IE8 on WinXP with a 1024x768 resolution.)

The Technicals

According to this page on modernizr.com:

Older touchscreen devices only emulate mouse events Modern IE touch devices implement the Pointer Events API instead: use Modernizr.pointerevents to detect support for that Some browsers & OS setups may enable touch APIs when no touchscreen is connected Future browsers may implement other event models for touch interactions

Usage Example

// Mobile first
if (Modernizr.mq((min-width: 1025px))) {
    // Initialize enhancements
    const s = skrollr.init();

Official docs on Modernizr.mq

Filed under code, modernizr, snippets

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